Luke McElroy on unleashing and pursuing your God-given calling as a creative and going to the gym creatively

There’s a lot of things that seem to prevent us from discovering the creative calling God has for us. For Luke McElroy, it was hitting wall after wall in his impatience to understand what God was calling him to do. For others, it’s not feeling like your creativity is enough or even not believing you’re created to be creative in the first place. This conversation with the SALT Community leader is about discovering and unleashing your God-given calling and some practical ways to work out this creative muscle and use it in God’s eternal purpose.

There's a lot of things that seem to prevent us from discovering the creative calling God has for us. For Luke McElroy, it was hitting wall after wall in his impatience to understand what God was calling him to do.

Find Luke McElroy online:


SALT Conference is October 10-12, 2018 in Nashville, TN. More information can be found at

… and if you need something to help convince your pastor or your leadership to send you to SALT.

Much of what we discuss in this episode comes from Luke’s book called Creative Potential.

The one book that Luke says every creative should read is The War of Art by Steven Pressfield.

… but because Stephen Brewster already said that in a previous episode, Luke also recommends the book The Artisan Soul by Erwin McManus.

In a recent Adobe study, they discovered that 75 percent of people do not feel like they’re living up to their creative potential. Here’s more info on that study.

The product of the month is the KZ ZST in-ear headphones. For only $20—or just $50 if you include the cost of upgraded foam tips and cable—you get amazing sound quality that rival more traditional budget-friendly IEM’s like the Shure 215’s at twice the cost. Here’s a few Amazon links for the products mentioned:

Some of the YouTube videos mentioned in this episode from the Practical Worship channel include a review of the KZ ZST headphones and the most latest video after a three month break from producing weekly content.

DISCLAIMERS: These show notes contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel at no additional cost to you and allows us to continue to make content like this. Thank you for the support!


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