Tomorrow I get my port placement

A port is similar to an IV in that it’s a semi-permanent access point for the medical team to give you fluids and medicines. So instead of getting treated as a human pin cushion, they just use the port. The port is placed in the upper-chest area.

This is just one of the things I’ve learned about cancer treatments in the last two or three weeks.

I’m definitely anxious, but I’m calmer than I would typically be about something like this.

If there’s one thing I learned during my time in the hospital is that all the things that I feared—needles and IVs and surgeries—none of the things I feared were as bad as I had feared. So I’m trying to take that attitude into tomorrow’s procedure.

I will be in the same radiology department where my biopsy was done. I might even see the same nurse that helped me last time. I will be under the same sedition drugs as last time. So I think I have a decent grip on what I’m in for.

I can’t say I’m looking forward to it. I’m looking forward to getting it over with, but I’m not as nervous as I’ve been about stuff like this in the past. I guess that’s progress.


Procedure done and I’m back at home. Yes, I had the same nurse. I even had the same doctor. It looks three tries and two different nurses to get the IV going, which was probably the worst part of the day.

The procedure itself was scary at the beginning, but once the sedation medicine started flowing I was fine. I think I was awake for the entire thing, but I kept my eyes closed for most of it.

I’ve been reading in Luke for my quiet times lately, and while I was waiting I read the story of the paraplegic and his friends that lowered him into the house where Jesus was so that Jesus could heal him.

It says that it was the faith of not only the paraplegic but also the faith of his friends that healed him. It made me think of my situation and all the people I knew were praying for me. It’s the collective faith of everyone that is getting me through this.


A slight change of plans


Encouraging Scripture