I’m starting to experience some of the side effects for myself

I haven’t written a blog post in a while, because this past week has included some of my worst days… and some of my best days.

After a week of day-after-day-after-day chemo treatments and with the steroids wearing off, the weekend after week 1 and the front part of week 2 pretty much just included me either lying in bed or reclining in my chair. One of the side effects of chemotherapy is that it makes you unbelievably exhausted. Even just standing for more than five minutes was tough, and taking a shower was brutal.

But by Tuesday evening I was starting to feel more like myself. Wednesday I felt even better, and by Thursday and Friday I was actually out and about doing things.

So, I didn’t write a blog during the first part of last week, because I had zero energy and motivation to do so. And I didn’t write during the last part of last week, because I felt so good that I wasn’t just sitting around the house all day.

Another side effect that’s common with chemo has to do with your hair. It starts to fall out around the second and third week.

I’ve been bracing for this side effect for awhile now, and I think I’m prepared. Lots of men rock the bald head and do it with style, and ultimately it’s only temporary.

This morning in the shower as I was applying shampoo, I felt like I had a loose hair on my face. I looked into my hands, and I saw several loose stands of hair.

It has begun.

But I immediately had this thought.

My hair falling out is not a side effect of the disease. It’s a side effect of the treatment process, of the cure. So in a way my hair falling out is a sign that the treatment process is working.


The first week of the third and final round


A lot has happened in this first week