It was the last round, but it was the HARDEST round

It’s been a minute since I’ve shared any kind of update, because these last few weeks have been somewhat rough and I feel like I’m just now coming up for air.

Going into my third round of chemo, my lab showed that my white blood cell count was low. This is pretty common with chemotherapy and there’s a booster shot they give you to help your body produce more white blood cells, but it did mean that I felt even more tired and worn out than I usually do. Normally by the middle of the second week of a round I’m able to bounce back and start feeling like myself again, but it took a lot longer this last round.

I wasn’t really motivated to do anything. I wasn’t motivated to shoot video or vlog or post on social media. I was barely motivated to get out of bed most days.

But the good news is that I’m starting to feel better and more like myself, AND that third round of chemo is supposed to be my LAST round. Last Tuesday I got to ring the bell at the treatment center.

After a week off next week, I have labs and a CT the first week of November. Then I meet with my oncologist to hopefully confirm what we believe is already the case—that the cancer is GONE.


The cancer is GONE!


The first week of the third and final round